How do you get your child interested in animals?

RSPCA's Junior Rescue Officer (JRO) program teaches young children to care for the animals in their lives through fun, practical activities. This helps them build respect for animals as living creatures. The DIY projects are perfect for school holiday activities or to keep the kids busy over the weekend.

Young animal lovers can join the RSPCA Junior Rescue Officer program and learn how to care for their pets.

The Junior Rescue Officer program is ideal for primary school-aged children between 6-10 years old. 

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What does the RPSCA Junior Rescue Officer Program involve?

Once you register for free, your child will receive monthly activity emails via your inbox. Each month, a new topic is introduced, with a simple activity that helps to demonstrate different ways of caring for animals.

Monthly activities include:

  • drawing a picture or writing a letter about animals
  • planting a pet-friendly plant
  • making a healthy, tasty pet treat
  • making an enrichment toy for a dog or cat
  • things to do to help animals cope with weather extremes
  • how to hold a fundraiser
  • how donating old toys and games helps animals in need
  • and much more.

When your child completes their last task and sends it in to us, they will receive a certificate to acknowledge the great work they've done to help animals.

Register for free

Registration for the Junior Rescue Officer Program is free. (You can opt out of receiving the monthly emails at any time. Emails will be sent to your email address. Check our Privacy Policy here).

At the end of 12 months, your child will receive a Junior Rescue Officer certificate.

To get started, have your child take the Junior Rescue Officer pledge:

RSPCA WA Junior Rescue Officer Program pledge to care for animals

* Parent or guardian to complete the below for permission to join the Junior Rescue Officer club. 


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