The RSPCA WA Animal Care Centre in Malaga regularly has openings for volunteers in a variety of roles to ensure the animals receive the love and care they deserve.

Most volunteers start with entry-level roles in cleaning and basic care to ensure animals are housed in clean and comfortable environments. With experience gained in those roles, and regular ongoing commitment, volunteers then progress into enrichment roles where they are able to spend more quality time with the animals.

Shift Times:

Most shelter volunteer roles will require a commitment of at least one shift per week or fortnight for a minimum period of six consecutive months. These shift times are available daily, so even if you work during the week, there are opportunities to volunteer on weekends.

Shift 1: 8:00am-9:45am Shift 2: 10:15am-12:30pm

Shift 3: 1:30pm-3:30pm

Expressions of Interest

Shelter Roles are very popular and can often be over-subscribed. We apologise if getting into these roles takes longer than anticipated.

Animal Care volunteer induction sessions are only held when a needs arises. Once offered a place, to ensure the safety of volunteers and animals, volunteers are required to complete all relevant training before starting.

How to Apply

Before you apply, do you meet the criteria for volunteering?

Volunteer Application form

We encourage you to complete an application form, this will first direct you to create an account in Better Impact our Volunteer Management system. Once your account & profile are created you will begin receiving the monthly Volunteer Notice Board e-newsletter, enabling you to apply for volunteer opportunities that may seem interesting and fit your schedule. 

Don’t forget when completing the section “General Interests” to tick at least one role that interests you, as we may also contact you when we need a volunteer with your specific expertise, experience or interest, when we have opportunities.

Remember your Better Impact sign in details, this will enable you to update your contact details at any time, so you don’t miss any opportunities.

Explore other Volunteer Roles