11 September 2024

A 29-year-old Midvale woman was fined $5000 and prohibited from owning a domestic animal for five years after pleading guilty to failing to provide her two-year-old Staffordshire terrier-cross with adequate food and water.

Midland Magistrates Court on 2 September heard an RSPCA WA inspector attended the woman’s home in May after receiving a cruelty report regarding a severely underweight female dog with the outline of ‘every bone in the dogs (sic) body’ visible. The caller advised that there were very young puppies at the property and none of the animals had access to water and food.

When the inspector saw the dog, named Ruby, she noted she was in extremely poor condition with the outline of her hips, ribs, spine, skull and femurs clearly visible. Ruby also had three neonatal puppies – named Milo, Marley, and Maggie by RSPCA WA staff – who looked to be between 10 and 14 days old.

There was no water at the property and only some biscuits which had been scattered by the person who made the cruelty report. Ruby and her puppies were seized from the property and transported to the Animal Care Centre in Malaga for immediate assessment and treatment.

Ruby weighed just 21kg - around 10kgs underweight - and was severely emaciated with a body condition score of 1.5 out of 9 (4-5/9 being optimal). She was also moderately dehydrated and lunged at a tap to drink from it.

The offender advised she was not living at the property anymore but was being paid to feed the dogs. She advised she was not aware Ruby had had puppies.

Magistrate Mark Millington said there was “clearly a lack of care” and the cruelty was “compounded” due to Ruby having neonatal puppies. He said it was “disgusting” and “unfortunate people do this to animals”.

RSPCA WA Inspector Manager Kylie Green said there is no excuse to leave an animal starving and alone at a property. “Ruby would have been under significant stress trying to care for her newborn puppies without even having food and water for herself. “If you are struggling to properly care for animals in your care, you must reach out for help before the situation becomes dire like this one.”

One of the pups, Maggie, was humanely euthanised, however, Marley has been adopted and Milo is currently waiting for a new home. Ruby is currently recovering with a foster carer and has gained 11.5kgs.

The offender was sentenced under sections 19(1) and 19(3)(d) of the Animal Welfare Act 2002. She was found to have been cruel to an animal in that she failed to provide Ruby with sufficient food and water. She will also pay $1,544 in legal and other costs.

The maximum penalty for a charge of animal cruelty is a $50,000 fine and five years in prison. The RSPCA relies on the community to report incidents of suspected cruelty and neglect. Report cruelty 24/7 on 1300 CRUELTY (1300 278 358) or at rspcawa.org.au.